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Showing posts from November, 2008

Tabloids in Spain

Me preguntaba una amiga mía de Polonia si en España teníamos prensa de la denominada en inglés tabloid. Yo diría que hasta ahora no, pero que tal vez la crisis, endurezca la competencia entre periódicos y estos tal vez recurran al sensacionalismo para tratar de captar y retener más lectores. Tabloids are those sentationalist newspapers in UK. According to Wikipedia: “weekly or semi-weekly alternative newspaper that focuses on local-interest stories and entertainment, often distributed free of charge (often in a smaller, tabloid-sized newspaper format); or to a newspaper that tends to emphasize sensational crime stories, gossip columns repeating scandalous innuendos about the personal lives of celebrities and sports stars, and other so-called "junk food news" (often in a smaller, tabloid-sized newspaper format). As the term "tabloid" has become synonymous with down-market newspapers in some areas”. Regarding newspapers, in Spain there are 4 big nationwide newspapers,...